Tuesday 17 October 2023, 15:30 - 17:00 CEST
Standardisation in Cybersecurity: A Synopsis
The digital landscape is evolving, and so are the threats that dwell within it. In the realm of cybersecurity, where knowledge is armor and collaboration is key, HSbooster.eu is organising a webinar that gathers experts of the digital frontier and key actors leading the European standardisation efforts in cybersecurity.
Welcome to a transformative webinar that bridges the gap between standardisation, digital security, and the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event is organised by HSbooster.eu and the European Cybersecurity Competence COmmunity (ECCO).
Agenda (Central European Summer Time, GMT+2)
- 15:30 | Welcome and Introduction to HSbooster.eu and Webinar Agenda
- Lucio González, SGS Brightsight & HSbooster.eu
- Lucio González, SGS Brightsight & HSbooster.eu
- 15:35 | Keynote: Understanding Cybersecurity Standards from the ECCC Perspective
- Filipe Jones Mourao, Policy Officer Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy (CNECT.H2), DG Connect
- Filipe Jones Mourao, Policy Officer Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy (CNECT.H2), DG Connect
- 15:50 | Standards: Insights from Standards Experts
- Walter Fumy CEN-CENELEC JTC 13 Cybersecurity and Data Protection, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 IT Security Techniques
- Harshvardhan Pandit, Assistant Professor at the School of Computing in Dublin City University & NSAI member - Standards for Compliance with Regulations
- Elżbieta Andrukiewicz, Standardisation expert of the ISO/IEC JTC1 Subcommittee SC27 “Information techniques – IT Security Techniques”
- 16:20 | Project Insights: Standardisation Experiences and HSbooster.eu support
- Jesus Luna Garcia, Cloud and AI Cybersecurity at Robert Bosch & MEDINA Project
- Anas Husseis, Cyber Security Researcher at IKERLAN & CyberSEAS Project
- Elisavet Goutman, Marketing Manager at OTS & CS-AWARE-NEXT
- 16:50 | Q&A & Conclusions
- Lucio González, SGS Brightsight & HSbooster.eu & Panellists
Who should attend
HSbooster.eu invites professionals, researchers, and stakeholders in cybersecurity, including cybersecurity specialists, policymakers, industry representatives, and academia. To those who have worked or are currently engaged in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects, your contributions are invaluable. This webinar is your platform to gain deeper insights into the pivotal role of standards in cybersecurity. Standadisation is where innovation thrives, where systems interconnect seamlessly, and where user security takes precedence. Join us, as we explore the synergy between cybersecurity, standards, and sustainable development, in pursuit of a safer and more interconnected digital world.
We imagine a future where your expertise in cybersecurity and your research endeavors under Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and Digital Europe projects are not just recognised but elevated through the lens of standardisation.