Project Name: Intelligent Management of Processes, Ethics and Technology for Urban Safety

Open Call Topic(s): Resilience


The IMPETUS project, an Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Commission, is an innovative project with the aim of enhancing the resilience of cities in the face of security threats in public spaces. IMPETUS will provide city authorities with new means to address security issues in public spaces using data gathered from a city-wide lattice of cameras, environmental sensors and multiple interconnected AI systems that control key infrastructures within a Smart City. IMPETUS will help protect citizens against the unethical use of personal data and will facilitate threat detection by assisting with physical and cyber security management.

IMPETUS intersection image

The IMPETUS approach addresses three complementary but overlapping areas:

  • Technologies: use the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data analysis to integrate and develop the tools and processes allowing cities to manage both physical and cyber security
  • Ethics: ensure Smart City capabilities are developed for the benefit of its citizens and to balance potentially conflicting needs to collect, transform and share large amounts of data in accordance with data privacy
  • Processes: delivering a multi-tenant solution fully aligned with the cognitive processes, deployment guidelines and operational needs that support the decision-making of multiple city stakeholders involved

Reason for applying to services

We may lack an overview of the relevant standards that are applicable for impetus partners that may be adopted. As per our own internal survey, the awareness of standardisation is low among Impetus partners. When we apply for the booster service we hope to get the relevant advice in form of an awareness webinar where relevant experts could speak about the standards that Impetus partners should consider and also provide feedback on our project deliverable which is the standardisation report. 

Main standardisation interest

Many of the technology topics that Impetus project or partners dealing with are emerging areas for standardisation. Also, the technology readiness level for partners' products/services is also maturing during the term of the project. Hence, It is good for the project partners to understand the latest standards-related work happening at the EU / global level when it comes to topics of IoT, AI, Cybersecurity, Ethics etc. They can then adopt these standards and be more acceptable offerings and later even become active contributors to the standards work as they mature in their understanding of the standardisation process. 

Project Acronym: IMPETUS


Grant Agreement Id: 883286

Start Date:

End Date:

Programme: H2020-EU.3.7. - Secure societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens

Call for proposal: H2020-SU-INFRA-2018-2019-2020

Funding Scheme: IA - Innovation action

Pool of Experts

René Lindner

René Lindner

Freelance consultant for standardisation in research projects
Full profile