Project Name: A novel smart grid architecture that facilitates high RES penetration through innovative markets towards efficient interaction between advanced electricity grid management and intelligent stakeholders
Open Call Topic(s): Green transition in Europe
FLEXGRID project proposes a holistic future smart grid architecture able to accommodate high RES penetration through the advancement, interaction and integration of:
- innovative models that are based on recent advances in game theory in order to quantify and highly improve the trade-off between the various future energy markets’ requirements (Real Time, Efficient, Strategy Proof, Competitive, Scalable, Fair and Privacy Protecting) and guarantee, theoretically and in practice, the “fairness” of the equilibrium points that energy markets reach,
- grid system models that use optimisation theory to achieve more efficient market clearing and Optimal Power Flow (OPF) algorithms to achieve scalability in a way that must also be Low Overhead, Multi-period, Robust and Network Upgrade Planning Aware, and
- innovative Business Models through the use of artificial intelligence, which can be exploited by modern Energy Service Providers (ESPs) and RES Producers (RESPs) to achieve economic and operational benefits through their efficient interaction with FLEXGRID’s advanced markets and electricity grid models.
FLEXGRID will help:
- DSOs/TSOs manage their electricity grid safely and at a low cost by interacting with ESPs and RESPs through novel flexibility market procedures,
- modern ESPs become more competitive and sustainable, and
- RESPs optimally compose and exploit their production in a risk-averse manner by making their RES generation dispatchable.
Reason for applying to services
FLEXGRID consortium wants to identify specific standardisation working groups that are related to electricity markets' operation, smart grids, data exchange framework for the communication between energy/flexibility market participants, communication and data management protocols, TSO-DSO coordination activities, regulatory aspects for integrating intelligence and rules in the electricity markets, etc.
FLEXGRID consortium wants to interact with existing standardisation committees and exchange its foreground knowledge while acquiring back knowledge from the committees regarding the possible enhancement of FLEXGRID services towards bringing them at higher TRLs within the next years.
Main Standardisation Interests
To achieve its ambitious mission, FLEXGRID introduces the following 8 objectives:
- An Automated Trading Platform (ATP) able to provide as a service the composition and the operation of energy markets.
- Automated planning of DSO’s/TSO’s Energy Services
- Optimal operation of DSO’s/TSO’s Energy Services
- Automated Planning of ESP’s Business Models (assets and policy)
- Optimal operation of ESP’s Business Models
- Services to RES Producers (RESPs)
- A mocustomisablegurable, customizable, open, and extendable S/W platform
- Pilots with existing and prestigious stakeholders in Energy Sector
FLEXGRID proposes a novel Distribution Level Flexibility Market (DLFM) and thus has researched many aspects that could promote standardisation activities related to standardised flexibility products, standardised FlexOffers, standardised FlexRequests, standardised flexibility market clearing, standardised data exchange between market actors, etc.
Project Acronym: FLEXGRID

Grant Agreement Id: 863876
Start Date:
End Date:
Programme: H2020-EU.3.3. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
Call for proposal: H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020
Funding Scheme: RIA - Research and Innovation action