The European Commission has published its Annual Union Work Programme on European Standardisation (AUWP) 2024. Coming two years after the EC’s Standardisation Strategy, the AUWP sets out priorities on all activities related to standards and is informed and advised by the High-Level Forum on European standardisation, a multi-stakeholder group chaired by Commissioner Thierry Breton.
The 2024 AUWP includes 72 actions supporting the EU’s policy ambitions towards a green, digital and resilient Single Market. Amongst these, the Commission highlights eight particular actions as policy priorities, including standards for activities on quantum, critical raw materials, the data economy, digital identity, heat pumps, cybersecurity, hydrogen and electric vehicles charging infrastructure.
The AUWP also comes 22 months since the project began. With supporting the EC-funded project community to contribute to the creation of new standards or improvement of existing standards, the AUWP provides extra impetus and direction for projects in terms of standardisation priorities.
All ongoing and completed Horizion Europe, Digital Europe and H2020 programme projects can apply for free consultancy and advice from standardisation experts. Through a series of meetings, projects can receive valuable input for how to plan and carry out activities around standardisation to valorise project results:
- Analysis of the existing standards landscape.
- Activities to establish common knowledge of standards and a strategic position on this.
- How to involve partners with standardisation experience.
- Undertstand how to make standards a tangible part of the project.
- Stakeholder engagement via standardisation.
- Suitable and realistic outputs, outcomes and impact key performance indicators on standards and standardisation.
- Secure budget to enrol in relevant standards development organisations, purchase copyrighted material such as norms and standards or develop CWAs.
Over 150 projects have or are already receiving this type of consultancy support and over 200 standardisation experts have been recruited.
Applying to booster services is quick and easy and projects are matched to a suitable expert within 3 weeks from applying.
Applications for services will close on 30th June 2024.
Apply now