The webinar Boosting standardisation in R&I projects - Achievements, experiences and the road ahead - PART 2 will continue exploring the key role of standardisation in Research and Innovation (R&I) projects, offering standardisation experts and project teams opportunities to share achievements, gain insights, and discuss the future of standardisation.
The event focuses on learning from the experience of the current projects and experts that have engaged via over the latest months. Participants will better understand the new services, opportunities, tools and resources is offering to projects and standard experts.
This is the second of a series of two webinar and will take place on 28 February 2024, 14:30 - 16:00.
Who should attend
The webinar is mostly designed for the current members of our community looking to deepen their understanding of standardisation's impact on R&I projects. It's an opportunity to hear from experienced professionals, share your feedback and ideas, as well as learn about the European Commission's priorities in this evolving field. Despite its focus on the current community, the event is also open to new projects and experts willing to know more about services.
Why standardisation experts should join
- Exchange experiences and insights in the field of standardisation, also based on the consultancies already delivered to R&I projects.
- Gain clarity on the European Commission's priorities in standardisation.
- Learn about new opportunities, tools and services from HSBooster.
Why project representatives should join
- Hear success stories about integrating standardisation into R&I projects and share their own.
- Discover how standardisation can add value to project results.
- Find similar projects you can synergise with for standardisation activities
- Learn about the free HSBooster's resources available for your project.
Draft Agenda
- 14:30 - Welcome and Introduction, Maria Giuffrida (
- 14:40 - Deep dive workshops and CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) support, Maria Giuffrida (
- 14:45 - 15:15 - Panel discussion and experiences from current projects and experts: focus on consultancy service, CWA support and thematic deep-dive workshops
- Maria Navarro Abellán (project representative) and Marga Martin Sanchez (standardisation expert) - NebulOuS Project
- Vilma Ducman (project representative) and Dejana Milinkovic (standardisation expert) - Ashcycle Project
- Tania Marcos Paramio ( standardisation expert, UNE) - VALUEWASTE and NeoGiANT Projects
- Diana Soeiro ( standardisation expert) - Network Nature Cluster
- 15:15 Improving Standardisation knowledge: Standards Orientation Tool - Rene Lindner (standardisation expert, Tecnun)
- 15:30 - Standards catalogue - Harshvardhan Pandit (DCU)
- 15:45 Q&A
- 16:00 Conclusion
If you missed our previous episode, have a look at the recording below and download the slides here